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09 Dec 2022
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Soot and charcoal as reservoirs of extracellular DNA

New insights into eDNA sorption onto environmental carbonaceous materials

Recommended by based on reviews by Jérôme Duval and 1 anonymous reviewer

In recent years, the use of environmental DNA (eDNA) to investigate biodiversity has gained considerable interest (Thomsen and Willerslev, 2015; Mauvisseau et al., 2022). It allows for the indirect detection of species but it requires a sound understanding of eDNA behaviour and persistence in the environment. This is, however, a complex task because eDNA may be found in several states (e.g., dissolved, adsorbed, intracellular or intraorganellar), which display specific decay rates controlled by environmental factors (Harrisson et al., 2019; Mauvisseau et al. 2022). In the environment, dissolved DNA may interact with the surfaces of various sorbents, including mineral and organic particles/colloids. Current knowledge on eDNA sorption suggests that eDNA–sorbent interactions are controlled by electrostatics as well as inner-sphere complex formation (Mauvisseau et al., 2022). 

In this context, the work undertaken by Jelavic et al. (2022), focused on the adsorption of eDNA by lesser-investigated carbonaceous materials (CMs), namely soot and charcoal, as common non-mineral environmental surfaces. 

The authors aimed to study the adsorption capacity of soot and charcoal surfaces with respect to eDNA, in relation to solution parameters (i.e., pH, ionic strength, concentration/type of cations), time and eDNA length, under both non‐equilibrium and equilibrium conditions. Using such an approach, Jelavic et al. demonstrated the large adsorption capacities of CMs and the strong binding of DNA to these sorbents. The authors did not provide definitive conclusions on the mechanisms of eDNA sorption onto CMs. However, they provided new elements suggesting that, along with electrostatic interactions, hydrophobic interactions might play an important role in the adsorption of eDNA to CMs such as soot and charcoal. 

Altogether, the results presented in this paper highlight the relevance of CMs as sources of biodiversity information. In addition, it is likely that those results will also prove useful for the community to improve protocols for eDNA extraction from environmental samples that contain high fractions of CMs, e.g. urban soils. 


Harrison JB, Sunday JM, Rogers SM (2019) Predicting the fate of eDNA in the environment and implications for studying biodiversity. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 286, 20191409.

Jelavic S, Thygesen LG, Magnin V, Findling N, Müller S, Meklesh V, Sand KK (2022) Soot and charcoal as reservoirs of extracellular DNA. ChemRxiv, ver. 5 peer-reviewed and recommended by Peer Community in Ecotoxicology and Environmental Chemistry.

Mauvisseau Q, Harper LR, Sander M, Hanner RH, Kleyer H, Deiner K (2022) The Multiple States of Environmental DNA and What Is Known about Their Persistence in Aquatic Environments. Environmental Science & Technology, 56, 5322–5333.

Thomsen PF, Willerslev E (2015) Environmental DNA – An emerging tool in conservation for monitoring past and present biodiversity. Biological Conservation, 183, 4–18.

Soot and charcoal as reservoirs of extracellular DNAStanislav Jelavic, Lisbeth Garbrecht Thygesen, Valerie Magnin, Nathaniel Findling, Sascha Müller, Viktoriia Meklesh, Karina Krarup Sand<p style="text-align: justify;">The vast potential of using sediment adsorbed DNA as a window to past and present biodiversity rely on the ability of solid surfaces to adsorb environmental DNA. However, a comprehensive insight into DNA adsorption ...Analytical Chemistry, Environmental chemistry, Environmental monitoringPierre LabadieAnonymous, Jérôme Duval2022-04-13 16:08:36 View
30 Nov 2022
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Chemical effects on ecological interactions within a model-experiment loop

A model-experiment loop to optimise data requirements for ecotoxicological risk assessment with mesocosms

Recommended by based on reviews by Charles Hazlerigg and Peter Vermeiren

In Ecotoxicology, the toxicity of chemicals is usually quantified for individuals under laboratory conditions, while in reality individuals interact with other individuals in populations and communities, and are exposed to conditions that vary in space and time. Micro- and mesocosm experiments are therefore used to increase the ecological realism of toxicological risk assessments. Such experiments are, however, labour-intensive, costly, and cannot, due to logistical reasons, implement all possible factors or interests (Henry et al. 2017). Moreover, as such experiments often include animals, the number of experiments performed has to be minimized to reduce animal testing as much as possible.

Modelling has therefore been suggested to complement such experiments (Beaudoin et al. 2012). Still, the population models of the species involved need to be parameterized and can thus require a large amount of data. However, how much data are actually needed is usually unclear. Lamonica et al. (2022) therefore focus on the challenge of “taking the most of experimental data and reducing the amount of experiments to perform”. 

Their ultimate goal is to reduce the number of experiments to parameterize their model of a 3-species mesocosm, comprised of algae, duckweed, and water fleas, sufficiently well. For this, experiments with one, two or three species, with different cadmium concentrations and without cadmium, are performed and used to parameterize, using the Bayesian Monte Carlo Markov Chain (MCMC) method, the model. Then, different data sets omitting certain experiments are used for the same parameterization procedure to see which data sets, and hence experiments, might possibly be omitted when it comes to parameterizing a model that would be precise enough to predict the effects of a toxicant.

The authors clearly demonstrate the added value of the approach, but also discuss limits to the transferability of their recommendations. Their manuscript presents a useful and inspiring illustration of how in the future models and experiments should be combined in an integrated, iterative process. This is in line with the current “Destination Earth” initiative of the European Commission, which aims at producing “digital twins” of different environmental sectors, where the continuous mutual updating of models and monitoring designs is the key idea. 

The authors make an important point when concluding that “data quality and design are more beneficial for modelling purpose than quantity. Ideally, as the use of models and big data in ecology increases […], modellers and experimenters could collaboratively and profitably elaborate model-guided experiments.”


Beaudouin R, Ginot V, Monod G (2012) Improving mesocosm data analysis through individual-based modelling of control population dynamics: a case study with mosquitofish (Gambusia holbrooki). Ecotoxicology, 21, 155–164.

Henry M, Becher MA, Osborne JL, Kennedy PJ, Aupinel P, Bretagnolle V, Brun F, Grimm V, Horn J, Requier F (2017) Predictive systems models can help elucidate bee declines driven by multiple combined stressors. Apidologie, 48, 328–339.

Lamonica D, Charles S, Clément B, Lopes C (2022) Chemical effects on ecological interactions within a model-experiment loop. bioRxiv, 2022.05.24.493191, ver. 6 peer-reviewed and recommended by Peer Community in Ecotoxicology and Environmental Chemistry.

Chemical effects on ecological interactions within a model-experiment loopDominique LAMONICA, Sandrine CHARLES, Bernard CLÉMENT, Christelle LOPES<p style="text-align: justify;">We propose in this paper a method to assess the effects of a contaminant on a micro-ecosystem, integrating the population dynamics and the interactions between species. For that, we developed a dynamic model to desc...Aquatic ecotoxicology, Environmental risk assessment, Modelling, Species interactions-websVolker Grimm Charles Hazlerigg, Peter Vermeiren2022-05-30 11:05:59 View
24 Mar 2023
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Identifying pesticide mixtures at country-wide scale

An original approach for the identification of relevant pesticides mixtures at nationwide scale 

Recommended by based on reviews by Patrice Couture and Clémentine FRITSCH

Over the last decades, pesticides have been massively used in agriculture and their impacts on both the environment and human health are a major growing concern (Humann-Guilleminot et al., 2019; 2019 Boedeker et al., 2020). Improving the prediction of wildlife exposure to pesticides and the associated impacts on ecosystems is therefore crucial. In general, ecotoxicological studies addressing the effects of pesticides include compounds that are selected based on general use over large areas (e.g. regions, country) or specific crop types. Such a selection does not necessarily reflect the mixtures to which species of wildlife are exposed in a particular ecosystem.

In this context, Cairo et al. (2023) present an original approach to identify relevant mixtures of current-use pesticides. Their approach relies on public data concerning pesticide sales and cropping, available at a nationwide scale in France and at a relatively high resolution (i.e. postcode of the buyer). Based on a number of clearly exposed and discussed assumptions (e.g. “pesticides were used in the year of purchase and in the postcode of purchase”), their approach allowed for identifying 18 groups that were discriminated by a reduced number of pesticides. Some compounds were found in most or all groups and were termed “core substances” (e.g. deltamethrin and lambda-cyhalothrin). Other compounds, however, were associated with a limited number of groups and termed “discriminant substances” (e.g. boscalid and epoxiconazole).

The authors identified groups of molecules that are probably associated with the same mixtures, which warrants the investigation of potential synergetic effects. In addition, their approach allowed for the identification of areas where aquatic biota may be exposed to similar mixtures, which is might prove of interest to further investigate in situ the actual impacts of pesticide mixtures on ecosystems. Note that the approach taken by the authors might be applied by others in other countries, provided a database of pesticide sales is available.


Boedeker W, Watts M, Clausing P, Marquez E (2020) The global distribution of acute unintentional pesticide poisoning: estimations based on a systematic review. BMC Public Health, 20, 1875.

Cairo M, Monnet A-C, Robin S, Porcher E, Fontaine C (2023) Identifying pesticide mixtures at country-wide scale. HAL, ver. 2 peer-reviewed and recommended by Peer Community in Ecotoxicology and Environmental Chemistry.

Humann-Guilleminot S, Tassin de Montaigu C, Sire J, Grünig S, Gning O, Glauser G, Vallat A, Helfenstein F (2019) A sublethal dose of the neonicotinoid insecticide acetamiprid reduces sperm density in a songbird. Environmental Research, 177, 108589.

Identifying pesticide mixtures at country-wide scaleMilena Cairo, Anne-Christine Monnet, Stéphane Robin, Emmanuelle Porcher, Colin Fontaine<p style="text-align: justify;">Wild organisms are likely exposed to complex mixtures of pesticides owing to the large diversity of substances on the market and the broad range agricultural practices. The consequences of such exposure are still po...Environmental pollution, Environmental risk assessment, Method standardization, OtherPierre Labadie Clémentine FRITSCH, Patrice Couture2022-10-14 17:13:06 View
21 May 2024
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Assimilation efficiencies and elimination rates of silver, cadmium and zinc accumulated by trophic pathway in Gammarus fossarum

Food type influences dietary metal uptake and elimination in Gammarus fossarum

Recommended by ORCID_LOGO based on reviews by Davide Anselmo Luigi Vignati and Valentin Geslin

Given their narrow associations with human civilization, including urban, agricultural and industrial settings, freshwater systems worldwide are primary recipients of contaminants from anthropogenic origins, threatening biodiversity (Dudgeon 2019). Freshwater invertebrates are typically abundant in these environments. They are easily sampled, and several species can also be raised in the laboratory. Furthermore, they have the propensity to accumulate contaminants from their environments through both aqueous and dietary routes. These traits make them ideally suited as bioindicators of environmental contamination and for the study of the mechanisms of contaminant uptake and effects. Therefore, over the last decades, several studies have investigated the bioaccumulation and toxicity of a wide range of organic and inorganic contaminants. Knowledge of the relative importance of the aqueous and dietary exposure routes is key to understanding the processes involved in contaminant uptake and organismal and ecological consequences. Although the mechanisms of aqueous uptake have received much attention in recent literature, those associated with dietary uptake are far less known. This is the case for species commonly used for biomonitoring environmental contamination such as the amphipod Gammarus fossarum, and for metals of major concern for the Water Framework Directive (WFD) such as Ag, Cd and Zn. 

To address these knowledge gaps, Gestin et al (2024) investigated the assimilation efficiency (AE) of Ag, Cd and Zn from two contrasting types of food, one plant (alder leaves) and one invertebrate (Chironomus riparius larvae) for gammarids using a pulse-chase-feeding method in a laboratory setting. Food was radiolabeled and fed for a short period to gammarids (3 to 5 hours for alder leaves and 1 hour for chironomid larvae), after which they were left to depurate for 14 days, during which period they were fed with uncontaminated alder leaves. During the depuration period, gammarids were monitored to follow radioactivity using a gamma counter. A nonlinear least squares modelling approach was used to estimate assimilation efficiencies and elimination rates of the metals from each food source.  
From this data, the authors concluded that Cd was assimilated with a higher efficiency, followed by Zn, with Ag showing the lowest AE. Their data also showed that the AE of Cd and Zn was higher when gammarids were fed alder leaves compared to chironomid larvae. In contrast, elimination rates were not different among metals but varied between food types, with metals from chironomids being eliminated more slowly than those from alder leaves. Elimination rate and AE of Ag could not be determined for gammarids fed chironomid larvae, due to undetectable radioactivity. This study highlights that the assimilation and elimination rates of metals ingested from food depend on their chemical properties and on the way the metals are stored in prey. The data needs to be interpreted by taking into consideration that since chironomid larvae were live prey, they could internalize the metals and make it more difficult to accumulate for the gammarid consumer, compared to the inert matrix of dead alder leaves. This study will contribute to improving toxicokinetic models needed to improve regulatory guidelines for metals in freshwater systems. 


Dudgeon, D. (2019). Multiple threats imperil freshwater biodiversity in the Anthropocene. Current Biology 29(19):R960-R967.

Gestin, O., Lopes, C., Delorme, N., Garnero, L., Geffard, O., Lacoue-Labarthe, T. (2024). Assimilation efficiencies and elimination rates of silver, cadmium and zinc accumulated by trophic pathway in Gammarus fossarum. bioRxiv, 2023.07.14.549054, ver.4 peer-reviewed and recommended by Peer Community In Ecotoxicology and Environmental Chemistry.

Assimilation efficiencies and elimination rates of silver, cadmium and zinc accumulated by trophic pathway in *Gammarus fossarum*Ophélia Gestin, Christelle Lopes, Nicolas Delorme, Laura Garnero, Olivier Geffard and Thomas Lacoue-Labarthe<p>To improve the assessment of metal toxicity in aquatic organisms, it is important to consider the different uptake pathways (i.e. trophic or aqueous). The bioaccumulation of dissolved metals such as Cd and Zn in gammarids is beginning to be wel...Aquatic ecotoxicology, Bioaccumulation/biomagnificationPatrice Couture2023-07-15 10:27:34 View